19 de fevereiro de 2016

Making dreams come true

João Fábio Matheasi is a publicist who has a project called Realizando Sonhos (Making dreams come true) where he shows pictures beyond the camera lenses. He photographed 17 people (mostly children) "making their dreams come true". But what is so special about that? All kids want to be fairies or knights, don't they?

The answer is no. Matheasi photographed people with physical or mental disabilities, and their wishes can be much simpler than that. Dreams like walking in the rain, playing football, go skating, being a rapper, doctor, princess are on the list.

The "Making dreams come true" project took three months to be done and was exposed on Apaes (Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptionals) of two cities in Minas Gerais.

Matheasi explains that when he saw Slovenian artist Matej Pelijhan's photo essay called "Le Petit Prince" with physical or mental disabled people clicked in situations that revealed their dreams, he was "very impressed " and decided to develop a project inspired on that.

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